Currently collaborating with us
- Sergio Ortiz Rojas: External Collaborating researcher.
- Gema Ramírez Sánchez: External Collaborating researcher.
Former members and collaborators
- Leopoldo Pla Sempere
- Rafael C. Carrasco
- John E. Ortega
- Daniel Torregrosa Rivero
- Francis Morton Tyers
- Carme Armentano i Oller
- Helena de Medeiros Caseli
- Alicia Garrido Alenda
- Patrícia Gilabert Zarco
- Mireia Ginestí Rosell
- Xavier Ivars Ribes
- Carlos Pérez Sancho
- Susana Santos Anton
- Enrique Sánchez Villamil
- Alexander Sánchez Díaz
- Miriam Scalco